Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Some native trees

Several of the native trees are just finishing up blooming:

The mexican redbud. This one has wavier leaves than the Texas redbud and took the drought last year so much better than the Texas redbud. Where the texas redbud barely survived, the mexican redbud - native to west Texas - didn't seem to mind the lack of water much at all. Here it is blooming:

Since this Mexican redbud took the drought better than the Texas redbud, it bloomed profusely this spring, where the other one barely had any flowers at all this year due to drought stress. It should be noted that this Mexican redbud was started from seed where the Texas redbud was a bare root transplant. I wonder if that had any bearing on the drought tolerance? Closer:

The eves necklacepod is also blooming. It was also stressed last year, but made it through to flower in this one:


The Texas Persimmon didn't seem to mind the drought last year either. It's blooming quite profusely this year:

I think the blooms look like tiny alien pods:

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