Friday, May 15, 2009

Bloom Day - May 15th - 2009

Bloom day already? Jeez. I have been consumed with a project at work the last several weeks, and have neglected my garden a bit, but let's see what is blooming....

Tahoka daisy:

The Alpine Strawberry is blooming and bearing fruit:

The Aloe is blooming for the first time. Nifty!:


The Texas Tuberose (Manfreda Maculosa) is also blooming for the first time - so very cool!:


The Pride of Barbados just started blooming:

Black and Blue Salvia:


Coral Nymph Salvia:

The first coneflower:


Heartleaf Skullcap:

White Skullcap:

Wright's Skullcap:


Lion's Tail:

Mexican hat:

Mountain Sage:

Morning Glories, Winecup, Columbine finishing up blooming:

Red Columbine in extremely deep shade in a pot. I am actually surprised it bloomed:

Rock Penstemon beginning to bloom:

Rock Rose and Guara:

Russian Sage:

Shrimp Plant:

Scarlet Runner Bean:

Sunflower that sprouted from the black oil sunflower seeds the birds knocked out of the feeder:

Wild petunia:


Yellow Cosmos:

And a garden friend:


  1. What a great variety of blooms for this hot, dry Austin May! I'm hoping my one Wright's skullcap is going to make it--where did you get yours?

  2. Alpine strawberries! Did you grow them from seed? When I was a child we once grew those in our garden in England. I would like to try them again. Also, love the flower on the Manfreda maculosa. I added them to my garden this year.

  3. I like your garden friend. Imagine how fearsome he would look if he was 10 times bigger.

    You can grow Alpine Strawberries? I've killed them twice in my NC garden -- they melted down.

    Happy Bloom Day!

  4. Iris,

    Your skullcap will do fine. Mine live in the hellstrip and rarely get watered and they thrive there. I got mine at the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower center sale several years ago. They just keep re-seeding themselves in the hellstrip.

  5. Lancashire Rose - I Did grow them from seed. I read somewhwere that a few people had them growing in San Antonio, and I figured I could then surely grow them here in Austin. I only have a few of them -and they are planted under the Orchid tree so that they receive filtered sun only. Since they seem to be doing so well, I am planning on starting more of them.

  6. Sweet Bay -

    I know, huh?!? Those Anoles are all over the garden - and that guy was looking particular fearsome that day :)

    My alpine strawberries are in filtered shade - I am SURE if I put them in full sun, they would melt down to a pulp; but they seem to do just fine in the shade there. I only have a few, since they were an experiment, but since they are doing well, I am planning on adding more.

  7. Wow, your flowers are just way far ahead of mine. My coneflower is not blooming yet. Neither is the black and blue salvia. You must be in a hotspot in town!

  8. When did you plant your alpine strawberries? I tried some this year from seed I bought at Gardens but I knew I was putting them in too late and I was right.
