Thursday, April 29, 2010

Giant Mutant Bluebonnet

And when I say Giant Mutant Bluebonnet, I really mean Freakishly Super-Ginormous, Clearly-Mutated-By-Some-Form-Of-Nuclear-Radiation bluebonnet. This is the biggest bluebonnet I have ever seen! Just look at the normal-size bluebonnets next to the big ones and you get an idea how large these flowers really are:

This photo was taken in Burnet County. A friend sent me the pic - these mutant lupine were growing on the street her mother lives on. Have you ever seen anything like this? The ginormous bluebonnets look more like giant bottlebrushes. So Cool!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Aztec Lily

Aztec Lily - Sprekelia formosissima

I just planted these bulbs last week and this one is already blooming.

I believe this one speaks for itself. Outstanding!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bloom Day - April 15th, 2010

It is a big bluebonnet year this year, so I will start out bloom day with some of this lupine:

More blubonnets mixed with other pretties:

Blue flax:

Jerusalem Sage:

Red corn poppy. (This photo is awful as the wind was blowing and it was the best I could do):

Prairie Verbena:

Yellow Primrose:

Pink primrose (I had none of these last year due to the drought, but this year the garden is covered in them):


Four nerve daisy and some yellow flax:

Some late Narcissus:

Texas yellow star:


Eves Necklace:

Byzantine glads:

Orchis tree bloom:

Yellow Columbine and Cedar Sage:

Chocolate Flower:

And Freesia Laxa:

Happy Bloom day!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Northern Bobwhite

As I was going about my gardening today, I heard a rustling and looked to my right to find a Bobwhite busy foraging about in the garden! Neat! Apparently, these guys are considered a Near-Threatened species as they have been shown to be in significant decline in most areas.

As I recall, quail and grouse are kinda dumb birds - they let you get real close-like before they take off. This guy fit that stereotype, and he didn't seem to mind me taking his photo:

Eventually, he had enough harrassment and jumped up on the fence to get away:

The Trumpet-Shaped Ones

The trumpet shaped flowers are dominating the garden right now. Here is a look at the entry-way simply drenched in trumpet shaped bloomage:

The Yellow columbines are simply ginormous this year and the pathway smalls heavily of their scent:


With some coral honeysuckle:

Coral Honeysuckle:

Crossvine and coral honeysuckle:

The crossvine is stunning this year:


There are more trumpet-shaped ones inside the garden gate. Here are the Snapdragon vines looking fabulous in all their hot-pinky-ness:

And Hill Country Penstemon (Penstemon Triflorus) also looking fab in their own shade of deep-pink: